Business ethics is a specialized study of moral right and wrong. This study concentrates on moral standards as applied in the policy, institutions, and business conduct. Business ethics is the study of formal standards and how standards are applied to and distribute goods and services and applies to people who are in within the organization.
Business ethics is applied ethics. Business ethics is the application of our understanding of what is good and true for a variety of institutions, technology, transactions, and business activity which we call the business. A discussion of business ethics must begin by providing basic principles rerangka understanding of what is meant by the term good and true, the only way one can discuss further implications on the business world.
Business ethics is basically obey the law. Sometimes we are wrong look at the legal and ethical looks identical. True that the law
certain demands the same behavior that our moral standards are also required. Yet
Thus, law and morality are not always similar. Some laws have no connection
with morality, even the law violates the moral standards that conflict with
morality, such as slavery laws that allow us to treat slaves
as property. It is clear that ethics can not simply follow the law.
But ethics does not mean not having to do with the law. Moral standards we
sometimes incorporated into the law when most of us feel that the standard
morality should be enforced with the power of the legal system on the contrary, the law has been criticized and
abolished when clearly violated moral standards.
Cases in business ethics,
Ethics should be applied in business ethics by showing that the set
all deliberate human activity, and because the business is a human aktitivitas
deliberate, ethics should also play a role in the business. Another argument holds
that, business activities, as well as other human activities, can not exist unless
people involved in the business and surrounding communities adhere to minimum standards
ethics. Business is an activity whose existence requires cooperative behavior
In a society without ethics, as written by the philosopher Hobbes, mistrust and
self-interest is not limited to creating a "war between the humans against
other human beings ", and in situations like that life would be" dirty, brutal, and
shallow ". Hence in such a society, may not be able to do
business activity, and business will be destroyed. Katena business can not survive without
ethics, the interest of most major business is to promote ethical behavior
to its members and also the wider community.
Ethics should be applied in business by showing that the consistent ethic
with business objectives, particularly in the search for profit. Merck is known examples
because the ethical culture of long-standing, but he remains a
companies that are spectacular to get the most benefits throughout
Some studies show a positive relationship between responsible behavior, social responsibility with profitability, some do not find a correlation that
business ethics is a burden on profits. Other studies look at, a company that
socially responsible trading in the stock market, obtain the return
higher than any other company. All studies show that the
ethics does not reduce the overall gain, and looks instead contribute to the
In the long run, for the most part, it's better to be ethical in business from
on unethical. Although it is not ethical in business is sometimes successful, but the behavior is not
this ethical in the long run, tend to be losing because of undermining
long-term cooperative relationships with customers, employees and members
society in which success depends disnis.
Finally we need to know there is much evidence that most people will
assess the ethical behavior by punishing those who they perceived to behave
unethical, and anyone who appreciates their perceptions of ethical behavior. Customer
going against the company if they perceive the injustice done
companies in other businesses, and reduce their interest to buy
its products. Employees who feel the injustice, will show more absentisme
higher, lower productivity and higher wage demands. Conversely, when
employee believes that the fair organization, would love to follow the manager. Do
whatever is said the manager, and looked at the manager's decision invalid. In summary,
ethics are a key component of effective management.
Thus, there are some strong arguments, which support the view that
ethics should be applied in business.
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