Sunday, December 4, 2011

Health: Overcome Hair Loss

overcome hair loss
Hair loss problem stems from the base of the hair which is located on the scalp. You will need intensive treatment that works up to the base of the hair, to help reduce the loss. For example, using a special hair tonic products work against the hardening of collagen and strengthen the base of the hair. Then, have a five-step how to cope with hair loss.

1. Adjust your diet

Consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E because these vitamins are very important for the growth of new hair.

2. Healthy lifestyle

Avoid smoking and do a healthy lifestyle. The content contained in cigarettes can reduce blood circulation to the scalp, so hair will fall out quickly.

3. Avoid direct contact with sunlight

Research shows that ultraviolet light can damage the scalp and prevent the growth of healthy hair. Use a hat or umbrella when you have to go outdoors during hot weather.

4. Massage the scalp regularly

Massage the scalp regularly with olive oil and jojoba. That's because, these oils can help the growth of new hair.

5. Use products made ​​from natural

Avoid or at least reduce the use of care and styling products made ​​from chemicals. Also avoid hair styling that use harsh chemicals are like hair straightening, dyeing or bleaching. Do not dry your hair too often with high temperatures

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