Coconut oil will beautify the skin. This is evidenced by the Korean rapper, Yoon Mirae. Yoon Mirae looked elegant wearing a black lace dress with smokey eye makeup and dark lipstick on the cover of a magazine February 2012 issue of the Sure. This is a view that is completely in contrast to the daily that tend to relax.
The rapper states prefer to use natural cosmetics and coconut oil to his body for the sake of preserving the natural moisture. Coconut oil is also rich in thought vitamins and minerals that help overcome skin problems.
Benefits of Fresh and Pure Coconut Oil for health and beauty skin care:
Dry skin and lips
Dry state either because the type of skin or because of cold air need a moisturizer that can effectively enter into the network and stubborn. Coconut oil has a small particle size, which could blend with the skin's natural oils and make it more easily absorbed.
Skin disease
A variety of skin problems caused by fungal and bacterial infections can be cured with coconut oil. The anti bacteria ready to eradicate the fungus and simultaneously nourish your skin healthy and beautiful again.
body odor
Some problems in the underarm body odor often associated with the presence of bacteria and fungi due to sweat. Coconut oil to overcome the existence of these bacteria and thus make the body odor went away. In addition, coconut oil reportedly also can whiten underarms blackened return if used regularly.
Sun damage
In addition to using sunblock, you who like to move in sunlight need extra care to treat sun damage inflicted on the skin. Apply coconut oil after a bath, especially on parts exposed to sunlight.
Broken leg
Combine the coconut oil with vaseline, then dab on a cracked foot before going to sleep tonight. Do not forget to clean the feet first.
Eye make-up remover
Make-up in the eye should not be cleaned carelessly because the skin around the eye is very sensitive. Use coconut oil and cotton, then gently wipe the make-up around the eyes. Coconut oil to clean make-up thoroughly.
Black Elbow and knee
White streaked directly if the elbows and knees blackened. Squeeze lemon juice, take half and mix with 1 / 2 tsp coconut oil. Rub elbows and knees in the dry and blackened on a regular basis.
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